Deferred or Deterred Maintenances ?

How do you solve Deferred or Deterred Maintenances?

If you are a home or office owner you may be wondering how long is too long to defer maintenance to your house or building?  At times we are deterred by the “costs” of doing maintenance so we defer it until it becomes a critical issue or a “big ticket” item. The age of your property is a determining factor in how long you should defer home maintenances, however cleaning gutters and changing out your air filters several times a year is vital to property upkeep.

  1. Cleaning gutters once or twice a year prevents water and ice from rotting out your fascia and boxing. In addition to keeping your gutters functioning properly, annual cleaning allows for more durability and a longer lifespan. The truth is that routine cleaning saves you money in the long run.
  2.  Changing out air filters at least 4 times a year has been proven to substantially increase the time (in years) between HVAC replacements.

Cleaning gutters and changing out air filters more than once a year are two main ways to mitigate associated risks with “big ticket” items. Positive cash flow albeit may not be the meaning of happiness. However, it can be freeing.

Why home maintenance is important:

We can all relate to what it’s like being a brand new homeowner who hopes and dreams of an antebellum home and ends up pushing home maintenance under the rug only to find out in a few years that their gutters and air filters are no longer working properly. Whether you are building a fixer upper or intend to sell your home it is critical that you hire a company to carry out routine maintenance and repairs. We understand your home is an investment for the whole family.

Who provides home or property maintenance?

Houses and Then Some in Greenville recognizes that people who own houses or rent them out don’t have time to do all the leg work in repairs while also finding qualified tenants and collecting rent.

Call us or email to learn more about how we can help you have success with your real estate investments. Call 864-395-6538 or email

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