It Was the Best of Times, It was the worst of times!

It Was the Best of Times, It was the worst of times!

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, …” (Charles Dickens)

Getting paid rent on time is the best! Nothing like the feeling of your tangible investment paying you real dollars! (Best of times and epoch of belief)  Worst of times and epoch of incredulity is when your rental customer doesn’t pay and projects their drama on you! We can help make this a stress free investment for you!

Investment real estate is about getting paid! We send an invoice to every customer each month plus have a collection process that has a proven success rate! We help you get paid timely with proper recording and reporting! Call/email us today for help in renting, buying or selling your real estate! 864-395-6538 or!

Make your Holiday Season the Best of Times by enjoying moments with family and friends! Give to those who do not have! Leave the hustle and bustle of “the times” to others. Slow down and enjoy.

Merry Christmas from HTSI


Do you have questions about maximizing your return on your real estate investments?  I invite you to call me and discuss your needs.  With 25+ years in the business, I’m confident I can guide you in the right direction.

Call 864-395-6538 .
Talk soon.
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We appreciate and need your referrals!  

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