We had a great staff Holiday Party at our office in Greenville! (See pictures below) We have a contest each year to see who can wear the most outlandish Chirstmas hat or socks etc.. This year a couple of people went a bit off script (See pictures of the grinch below) Its a crazy, busy time! The New Year is upon us and we are ready for great things! Thank you for your business this past year we appreciate all of you so much!
Our staff, vendors and clients are giving back this time of year with their time and funds! The last 2 years we have partnered with Seacoast Church and Miracle Hill to fill up “Journey Bags” for kids in the foster system! (See pictures below) This is a backpack that has essentials and fun items for the kids as they travel the hard road through the system. This year 130 bags are going out to those in need! Awesome!
We hope that you had a wonderful Holiday Season and a Happy New Year!
Be kind to those in need through the charities we support. (From the HTSI Credo)

To your success!
Thank you for your business and your referrals! Call us today about renting or selling your property!