These days everything seems to be a moving target! This holds true for navigating “The Covid and Evictions”. Almost daily clients ask me how the presence of Covid 19 or in this case Covid 21 is affecting their rental investments. Fortunately we continue to move forward with both “in person” showings (using Covid protocols) and evictions if needed. The courts have opened up and are operating either on Zoom or in person. And appear to be doing business as usual. This is a positive sign that we are getting back to some semblance of order in this area.
The CDC’s Eviction Ban is no longer in place due to a case brought before the Supreme Court. However, there are still areas of the country where local bans are in place but fortunately not in South Carolina. And for those customers that are suffering through this horrible disease there is rental assistance available through various agencies in the area, see this link-
We hope and pray that all of your tenant/customers pay and stay! And that all stay safe as we all live in this new reality. Please feel free to reach out to us if you need help acquiring more rental properties and or taking care of the ones you already have!
***NOTE*** – This year we are giving back for Christmas and helping Seacoast Church gather items for “Journey Bags” for children arriving into the foster care system! The intent is to help a child be able to have dignity in carrying their belongings with a backpack (instead of a trash bag) and provide them with items that they can use to make their journey a little easier. If you are interested in helping us with this email us at; or call our office at 864-395-6538! Thank you in advance for your participation!
To your success!
Thank you for your business and your referrals! Call us today about renting or selling your property!

A Quick Nickel is Better Than A Slow Dime, Anytime! Time is Money
As a young man, I first heard the saying “A quick nickel is better than